"The work of MELMAC and its partners is vital in creating promising career paths for Maine youth and a strong workforce to help grow Maine's economy."
Jason Judd, Executive Director, Educate Maine

More about MELMAC

T-shirt assembly to highlight the post-secondary plans of the Class of 2014 at Monmouth High School

Our Mission

Our mission is to prepare Maine's youth to be ready for and successful in college and career.

Our Challenge

Maine students are graduating from high school at the highest rate in decades. We celebrate this fact, but a closer look at the data reveals that a majority of Maine’s high school graduates are not continuing on to and completing any form of post-secondary education. 

Our Approach

The MELMAC Education Foundation serves as a strategic thought partner that funds and collaboratively supports best practices in post-secondary pathways. With funding from MELMAC, our school partners expose students to education and employment opportunities to build the skills necessary to pursue post-secondary education, attain credentials-of value, and find success after high school. Check out our Grants & Initiatives to learn more about how MELMAC funds boost readiness for post-secondary education and career; promote post-secondary success; and align education and employment systems.

Our Impact

Craig Larrabee Image

On behalf our of Board of Directors and the staff of JMG, we are grateful to all those involved with the MELMAC Education Foundation for their gifts of time, talent, and data that support Maine’s students of promise. Our partnership with MELMAC has transformed our work as a direct service provider for 10,000 students across the State and as a resource support organization for local school districts. We are so very proud of our partnership with MELMAC and the many ways it has made a difference for the students of Maine!!

Craig Larrabee
President and CEO
Heather Perry Image

MELMAC's support to our schools has been tremendous over the years. Beginning with our college transitions grants and now the ASPIRE Gorham program, we have been able to build a culture in our schools and in our community that supports our children from birth to adult in figuring out what their "Future Story" is. MELMAC has been the glue that has helped our school and community stay focused on this important work!

Heather Perry
Superintendent of Schools

Our Partners

Our Grantees

Ashland District School
Aspire Golden Bucks (RSU 25)
Aspire Gorham (Gorham School District)
Aspire Riverhawks (Skowhegan - RSU #54/MSAD #54 School District)
Bath Regional Career and Technical Center
Belfast Area High School
Biddeford Regional Center of Technology
Boothbay Region High School
Brewer High School
Brunswick High School
Camden Hills Regional High School
College of the Atlantic
Cony High School
Eastern Maine Community College
Edward Little High School
Ellsworth High School
Erskine Academy
Forest Hills High School
Fort Fairfield Middle-High School
Foster Career & Technical Education Center
Hancock County Technical Center
Hodgdon High School
Husson University
Jonesport-Beals High School
Lee Academy
Lewiston High School
Lewiston Regional Technical Center
Madawaska Middle-High School
Madison Junior Senior High School
Maranacook Community High School
Messalonskee High School
Mid-Maine Technical Center
Monmouth Academy
Monmouth Memorial School
Mt. Abram High School
Mt. Ararat High School
Narraguagus High School
Nokomis Regional High School
Northern Maine Community College
Northern Penobscot Tech Region III
Oak Hill High School
Oceanside High School
Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School
Penquis Valley High School
Piscataquis Community High School
Poland Regional High School
Portland Arts and Technology High School
Region 11, Oxford Hills Technical School
Region 8, Mid-Coast School of Technology
Region 9 School of Applied Technology
Region Ten Technical High School
Region Two School of Applied Technology
Saint Joseph's College of Maine
Sanford Regional Technical Center
Shead High School
Somerset Career and Technical Center
Southern Aroostook Community School
Southern Maine Community College
South Portland High School
St. Croix Regional Technical Center
Sumner Memorial High School
Thomas College
Traip Academy
Tri-County Technical Center
United Technologies Center
University of Maine at Augusta
University of Maine at Farmington
University of Maine at Presque Isle
University of New England
Van Buren District Secondary School
Waldo County Technical Center
Waterville Senior High School
Westbrook High School
Westbrook Regional Vocational Center
Windham High School
Winslow High School
Wiscasset High School
Witches Aspire (Brewer School Department)
York County Community College
York High School