"MELMAC's school partnerships and innovative grant initiatives are playing an essential role in helping reach MaineSpark's goal that 60% of Maine adults have earned a post-secondary credential of value."
Michael LeVert, former Maine State Economist
Students at Oak Hill High School visit Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
Current Initiatives
Boosting Readiness for College and Career
The Boosting Readiness for Career and College Initiative funds grants that help middle, high school, and career and technical education (CTE) students prepare for and successfully transition to college and careers, and realize their limitless possibilities.
Promoting Post-Secondary Success
The Promoting Post-Secondary Success Initiative funds grants that help students succeed in post-secondary degree programs.
Aligning Education and Employment Systems
The Aligning Education and Employment Systems Initiative brings education, community organization, and employer partners together to increase the probability of students’ post-secondary success.
The Tyler / Grandmaison MELMAC Scholarship
$2,000 scholarship for one student from every Maine high school, public and private, credited toward the third semester of sophomore tuition at the college of his or her choice (in-state or out of state).
MELMAC CTE Scholarship
$2,000 scholarship for one student from every Maine career and technical education center (CTE), credited toward the second semester of post-secondary study.
Past Initiatives
Connect Aspirations to a Plan
The Connect Aspirations to a Plan initiative provided grants that supported college access programs in Maine high schools and communities. These college access programs sought to increase the number of Maine high school graduates who aspire to enroll, and who actually enroll in, post-secondary study.
Support Early Success In College
The Support Early Success In College initiative was created to support student retention and success programs in Maine colleges. Programs supported by grants under this initiative sought to increase the number of students at Maine colleges who persist in college and graduate in a timely manner.
Financial Aid Enhancement Grant program (2001/2002 through 2002/2003)
Targeted grants to improve the delivery of financial aid at Maine's post-secondary institutions financial aid offices.